A Depth Psychology Growth Group Bridging Inner Life and Outer Life Adventures
Join us in community for depth healing utilizing the map and mirrors of depth somatic experiential psychology and interpersonal process through the ever present lens of mindfulness. Mindfulness of what is happening inside of you, outside of you, and in between you and others. This group bridges the world of our ordinary waking life roles and structures with that of our inner world. This is not a group about fixing you, teaching you skills, or requiring you to be “better” – rather it is a group where all of you, in your brilliance and in your struggle with shadow, is welcome. It is a group that is led by psyche, soul, and spirit informed by your life and experience facilitated by a trained guide (not a teacher with only one modality or worldview to share).
In this group, you bring the topics – based on what is alive in you. What is challenging you? What is inspiring you? What is showing up in your world that feels impactful or meaningful? Whether that aliveness is a dream you had, a poem or song that moved you, a meditation practice that taught you, a social media post that triggered you or brightened your day, grief that brought you to your knees, a stuck-ness so tight it paralyzes you or a movement that opened or freed you. This group is a space to for community exploration, meditation, and reflection to bring more life and soul into your world. A healthy, intimate relationship with your Self is the goal. Made possible through healthy intimate relationships with others.
Who is this group for?
In short, it’s a group for people who have some experience working with their own psyche who know the value of doing deep transpersonal work with the reflections of others. This group starts with the philosophy that we are all human, and we are all in this together. And through working with our individual gifts and shadows together, we help each other. And perhaps even see that they are not problems, but invitations to grow. This group is for people willing to engage in their own healing by giving and receiving support, and opening to wisdom and support of a variety of modalities that connect you with your heart, mind, body, and soul.
We aim toward self leadership and self actualization. How do we do that?
We are all struggling to know and become the fullest version of our “real,” true, unique selves. We create a space to learn more about ourselves and experience new aspects of ourselves through content, process, and interpersonal relationships with other group members.
We recognize we have the tendency to deny our own needs and feelings. To pretend to be someone we aren’t or to avoid facing our true self inhibits growth. In this group, we take responsibility for owning our needs and feelings and expressing unexpressed thoughts, so the facilitator and other group members co-create the space to meet those new places in yourself and possibly have your needs and feelings met in an embodied way.
We believe each individual is endowed with the urge to expand, develop, mature, and reach self-actualization. We believe that true growth and healing come from within, and this group is designed to help facilitate that process.
Even in the best of times, it is easy to fall into despair – by not living the life that is yours to live or by feeling disconnected from the greater story of life and your place in the order of things. In these times of chaos and uncertainty, this group will help you reconnect to the life that is yours to live and reconnect you with the bigger picture and meaning to provide fuel and inspiration for the challenges we face.
At the core, we are aiming to Illuminate the similarities and differences, exploring the realms and relationships between self and other with the intention of understanding more about and tending to our soul and what it is wanting of us and for us. By “other” we include other humans, parts of ourselves we don’t yet know, our natural world, our society, and the other than human. When our soul wants or needs to experience something it projects it outside of us so that we can see it and relate to it. Our goal in this group is to engage in illuminating relationships to help ourselves and the others in the group, which in turn we offer up to help the greater world and community.
The creation of a core community is a powerful answer
to our collective crisis of isolation and alienation.
Because we live in the belly of a soul-eating culture,
we face enormous pressures every day to adjust,
accommodate and abandon our essential self.
Coming into the shelter of our own village
or core community is one way
to protect our intrinsic value
and restore our indigenous soul.
Francis Weller
We meet for 90 minutes weekly Thursdays 11:30-1:00 except if holidays or other circumstances require cancellation. This is an ongoing group that will live as long as its life has purpose. It will die when it’s ending is called for. You are asked to commit to 10 weeks to allow for you to connect and engage to the best of your ability for that amount of time. You are welcome to continue coming as long as you find purpose and value in the group after that. You are free to end your relationship with the group whenever that feels best for you after the 10-week commitment. It is requested that you give the group as much notice as possible before leaving to allow for a good enough ending for you and the group. A month’s notice is ideal, but at least one week is requested.
One of the benefits of this group is the commitment of the members to show up authentically and honestly for each other each week. If you need to prioritize something else, don’t feel like coming, or are questioning your participation in the group, we ask that you disclose your thoughts and feelings about the needs, group, the people in it, and what is or is not happening that is impacting you. It is all part of the process that will benefit you and the others.
You will get the most out of this group each week if you bring something alive and/or meaningful to you and/or listen to what is alive for you in the moment. Anything and everything you bring is valuable. A thought. A wondering. A recent experience. A part of yourself you are curious about. A quote. A poem. A song. A dream. A question. A pattern you’ve noticed in your life. Our aim as a group will be to not interpret, give advice, fix, or change, but to wonder together, resonating with our own stories that are similar, or our curiosity and compassion for those we don’t understand. We’ll aim to engage our full heart, mind, body, and soul in the process of deepening our intrapersonal and interpersonal connections working as much as possible in the “here and now” of what is being brought and stirred in our group container.
Ongoing. Weekly. Thursdays 11:30-1:00. In person with a Zoom option for health or travel ease.
Open to all genders age 25+.
10-week minimum commitment to allow for relationships and group cohesion to form. Stay as long as the group is beneficial to you. When it’s not, have an intentional ending and find what is more right for you.
Financial Investment $50-$60 per group sliding scale.
About the facilitator: Chuck Hancock, M.Ed, LPC is passionate about group work being an important part of our growth and healing journey. With over a decade of experience guiding individual and group processes in council, dreamwork, interpersonal process groups, psychodrama, meditation, Hakomi somatic psychotherapy, ego state (parts) work, Jungian psychology, movement, music, and nature based practices. He weaves all of these practices together to help clients locate themselves in the world co-creating new experiences of authenticity, depth, meaning, insight, and inspiration. With the diversity of members, modalities, and lineages the community formed in a group experience offers more possibility and amplification of the growth process.
To register for more information to decide if this group is right for you, email [email protected] or call 970.829.0478.