Circle of People
The individual therapy relationship is fantastic, and group can enhance the process by offering many different views and reflections. Group can be intimidating for some people, but the power of group can often be much greater than individual sessions.  Many people benefit from having both a group session and then an individual session to be able to process the group one-on-one and learn strategies to get the most out of groups.  Group rates also tend to be lower than individual rates, so in addition to being more powerful, groups are also more valuable.  

Current Group Offerings Include


Workshops and Special Programs

In addition to ongoing groups, we offer a variety of special educational and experiential workshops and programs throughout the year.  Many of these are connected to the nature based Outside-In program.  Be sure to follow our Facebook page so you will know about upcoming offerings.
For outdoor nature based work, including ritual and rites of passage programs, Chuck has launched a separate business for mentoring and workshops called Reconnecting to Our Nature.  We’d love to have you join us in deeper connection to the natural world.